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Happy Holidays: Stress, Hangover & Weight Gain Free

In order to make the best of the holiday season, party or celebration, there are some basic steps you can take in order to have both a great time and be able to stay on track with your nutrition and health. As a Heach Coach I empower my clients to crowd out foods and drinks that may have negative effects on their health and holidays and parties and celebrtions are no different. Making a plan and being mindful of your intake the day of and during the party can help you to stay on track with your health. You can also takes steps to ensuring that you feel good all night and the next day following your celebration...below are just some of the thing I like to do to support my health and well-being during the holidays and for parties. The more of them you can do, the more you can ensure a happy and healthy time (and day after).

Champagne with Raspberries
Mixed Salad

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